February 9th
Berlin Memorial Activity
1- What did you learn?
I learned that the Jewish over the years lost their freedom and their lives to the restrictions of Hitler. Hitler enforced multiple laws over the years. Slowly putting the Jewish in a life of dictatorship. I also learned the some specific laws took away things that made the Jewish who they were. “ Jews can't go to church” or “ The Jewish can not go to school and cannot read “ The Holocaust truly was an event where you lost everything. Not only your home, family, possessions, and future. But you also lose your life in end.
2- Why do you think this monument was built?
It was built for the remembrance of music and a reminder of the Holocaust. During the holocaust people lost everything, including music. Music was wiped off their lives ever since Hitler took control.And to have music back into the frame again is amazing and something to be grateful for. That is why the monument is there. To remind people of the Holocaust and to be thankful.
3- What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years?
I noticed that this were a part of Hitler's plan all along. He wanted to slowly take control by slowly giving restrictions to the Jewish year by year. Hitler made laws that purposely made the Jews have nothing. And the Jewish didn't have any say in the situation because they didn't have the ability anymore, they didn't have the rights to act upon Hitler's actions.
4- Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with and why?
The restrictions I would have the most trouble with is not having a pet and not being able to have birthday or any celebrations. Without those two things I couldn't make it through the Holocaust. A pet is always something to help me through hard times, their uplifting, active, and protective. They show love, which is needed in the Holocaust. And not being able to have celebrations in almost taking their culture away. Celebrations are always a way to show a person's culture and their lifestyle. And celebrating something is a huge part of my life, without it I wouldn't feel whole.