Sunday, September 25, 2016

In the book The Giver by Lois Lowry, the word ‘released’ has recurred in the book several times and plays a bigger part in the plot. On page two in chapter one, when an aircraft that delivers food misses the community a bystander says, “Needless to say he will be released.” This keeps showing up because it plays a larger role in the book. Released means punishment or reward as it is used again and again in the book. In this scene the Pilot messing up and missing it's destination caused him to gain this punishment.This sets up the constant question of what it means and how this scene gives us knowledge of what it might mean in future.

Throughout the book the giver, we've been introduced to word released. On page 32 in chapter four, Jonas does volunteer work by helping the elderly take there baths.While talking to an elderly woman named Larissa about an old man named Robertto being released, Jonas asks “what happens when they make the actual release?Where exactly did Robertto go?”.This question is a question everyone has in the community, where do they go? Do they die? And because being Released is an easily achieved punishment, everyone wants to know what this means. The answer to this question could be a huge plot point in the story. Possibly this question could lead us to who or what the giver is.

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