Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 7th, 2016

First Draft

Police Brutality

Police brutality is a serious topic that has become a country wide phenomenon. Over the past few years people who are of the African American community have been the main target. Policemen and women have been abusing there power for the past decades. Policemen would arrest people and abuse them constantly. They would also come into their homes without their consent. In the perspective of the law this is seen as a minor set back and isn't a big problem. Although, the African American community and other races do not see the same.

For example, at a Walmart in St. Louis Missouri a race neutral city. Many African Americans would come into the Walmart almost frequently to buy things. However, a white officer who saw a African American family of four stopped them. The officer wanted to see if they stole anything or were planning to. The officer then patted the wife down and without her consent and then arrested the husband beating him down to the ground. The officer got no consequence for this, however, the husband did. The husband spent 2 years in prison for assaulting an officer. There are many other cases on this topic that are more well known. For example, Labuan McDonald a Adrian American teenager who was shot 16 times by white officers. As of today that case is remaining to be controversial.

The father of that family of four did get out and we're free from his imprisonment. That officer then did pay his time in prison when he were found again harassing a African American couple in St. Louis Missouri.

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